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اعزائي زوار الموقع اتمنى واياكم عاماً ملؤه السلام والامان والتعالي على الجراح .


القائمة البريدية

البريد الالكتروني:


A man entered a pet shop, wanting to buy a monkey. The shop owner pointed out three identical monkeys and said, 'The monkey to the left costs 500 dollars.'

A man entered a pet shop, wanting to buy a monkey. The shop owner pointed out three identical monkeys and said, 'The monkey to the left costs 500 dollars.'
Why does that monkey cost so much?' the man wondered.
The owner replied, 'Well, it knows how to use a computer.'
The man asked about the next monkey on the perch.
'That one costs 1,000 dollars because it can do everything the other monkey can do, plus it knows how to use the LINUX operating system.'
Naturally, the startled customer asked about the third monkey.
'That one costs 2,000 dollars.'
'And what does that one do?' the man asked.
The owner replied, 'To be honest, I've never seen him doing anything, but the other two call him



2008-09-22 22:03:21
عدد القراءات: 395
الكاتب: سليم




هوة صحيح انكليزيتنا قوية بس مو كل هيك بس الله يخليلنا الوافي ويترجملنا صح ..... بس ترجما رح نزل الترجمة ك تعليق أو أذا حدا من الشباب بترجما ف الله يكتر خيرو ....